Good afternoon
Back again, with more camp news.
The first project was picking out pet rocks and painting them. None of our cabin (boys) were interested in pet rocks.

You would be surprised what can scare a girl. The other day a spider dropped on Aunt TracyAnn in the living room. She screamed so loud the scared everyone in the house. Nana told her she wasn't coming to find her spider because she was sure it was on it's back, feet in the air and dead from the fright of her scream.
Girls can be very silly.
We (the boys) had a great time. We found some rocks for projects and one for Aunt TracyAnn a pet rock. We haven't finished it yet.
We didn't paint out in the woods. The girls were having fun painting and giggling, so we let them have the paint table to themselves.

NOTE: Their projects can be seen on The Bolton Girls Travel Journal blog.

We patrolled the area for scary things while we looked at the rocks for something interesting.

Everyone would enjoy another trip there some time.
Have a great evening.
FYI: I just found out we made Doll Diaries. A post was done on us. How about that guys?
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