Have you ever been to any Highland Games?
Nana, Auntie TracyAnn, Brodick and Tayla went to Athena, Oregon to their games on Saturday.
This is one of the few that still have sheep dog trials. Auntie and Nana love to watch the sheep dogs work. Reeces even watched them and enjoyed it.

couldn't imagine the patience it took to train a dog to move the sheep around like that. The dogs have to move 4 sheep through a course and into a pen at the end. They get very little help. Whistles or staff movements are their only directions, when they get really good.
The novice dogs get a lot of voice commands. It's funny to watch their trainers try to stay "cool".
Tayla liked the dancers, bagpipes, and harps best. She had worn an Irish dance dress and looked very cute.

Nana really enjoys the Bagpipe players and bands the most.
But, what really caught Brodicks attention were the guys doing the Weight Games, especially the Caber Toss.
He plans to be in shape by next year. He has spent the last 2 days looking for a log to use for a caber. He wants to start practicing now. The rest of us finally started helping him look. We haven't found exactly what he wants yet.

He told Nana he needs a kilt. Of course, I've asked for one before. All four of us want kilts.
Nana had to peel him off the fence to get him away from the athletic field, when it was time to leave.
It must be pretty awesome. They all got so interested in what was going on they forgot to take very many photos.
Maybe next year we can all go and I can find a reliable photographer.
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