Angela Nicole is the family member that has show talent.
Angel loves dancing and acting. Her favorite is tap dance. She says a lot of why she likes tap best is because she can wear so many different kinds of costumes. She loves to dress in a lot of very different styles of clothing.
She is learning to design her own costumes. She has a great imagination. Nana Kathie is teaching her to sew. Then, she can make what she designs.
She enjoys the outdoors for the flowers ponds trees and animals. Not in the wild way Kityee and Katyee do.
Her weapon of choice is the bow and arrow. She really enjoyed the movie BRAVE. Her favorite books are the Scottish Highland books by Julie Garwood. Especially The Bride, The Wedding. The Secret and Ransom.
These are definitely "girl books". I wouldn't recommend any of them for guys. Guys should get novels or history books about the Scottish wars. There are some good bloody ones at Amazon.
Angel is a good sister to have around. She's not always wanting help.
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