Sarafina is all girl but not in a "girly" way.

Sarafina loves to garden. She grows vegetables and has really neat herb gardens.
I don't make Sarafina ask for help with her projects. I get awsome rewards for helping her. She's a GREAT cook. Logan and I get to try most of her new recipes first.

She has a little goat. She really loves the stupid thing and is really good about taking care of it. She calls it Moonbeam because it was born at night.
Dalmations are her favorite dog. She has the dumbest Dalmation slippers. She hopes to own a Dalmation some day.
She loves wolves too. Her bedroom is decorated with wolves. Now that I understand.
She was a real hit on the Mexican Rivera cruise. The Mexican people really seemed to enjoy looking at her. Nana could have sold her several times over if she had wanted to. Sarafina really enjoyed seeing Mexico and the stop in Old Town San Diego.
You probably noticed her great cooking gets mentioned in a lot of blogs. Like any girl Sarafina loves compliments. And any smart guy knows to keep the cook happy.
Ha .. for sure we have to keep the cook happy, especially our family, we do not really even have a cook in our whole set of kids, unless you want authentic Scottish food that Jayd cooks, never ask what is in it though ..