Bet you're wondering about the party ideas. Well, all I've heard about, for two days now, is new holiday dresses and special costumes.
Can there really be as many different kinds of fabric as they seem to be talking about? And some of the colors I've heard mentioned don't mean a thing to me. And dress styles, it's a foreign language.
Angel has her drawing pad in front of her for sketching ideas she and the girls come up with. They have a lap top there for looking up patterns and pictures on line. It's a major production.
Krystal wants a Gothic pirate outfit. And when she mentioned it, Taryn our cousin wants one too and they think our cousin Emma will want one. But, of course, they can't be the same. What is a Gothic pirate? Why can't they be the same? Why three different outfits?
When they asked Logan and I what we wanted, we told them big fancy hats and they can be the same.
But, they're not just talking pirate outfits. It's Halloween costumes and Christmas dresses and New Years Eve outfits. Our house will be in chaos for months.
Entertainment costumes and stage props came up, too. Kityee will try to trap Logan and I into helping if they do any stage props. No way, not this time.
Nana just watches them and laughs. It might be insanity.
Logan and I are headed to the Hideout in the barn. It's quiet there. No girls allowed.
Chickens .. hiding out in the barn .. at least you are not like me and supposed to want to be in the middle of all that. Sometimes being a girl is irritating. I could care less and they are all caring much. I just want a gothic outfit ..
I agree CHICKENS at least they are not asking you to be models for the outfits to make sure that they will look good. Bubu asks if you or Logan will be coming with so he does not have to deal with all the girls alone lol. Emma says YES YES YES to the gothic outfit!!