We're finally on our way. It took Auntie TracyAnn forever to load the car. It takes so much stuff when you travel with a cocker spaniel and four girls.
This is going to be fun. David's 3rd birthday party, a pirate party, sewing for us, playing "hand and foot" and a camping trip. If we're lucky we'll do some shopping too.
Tollgate is so pretty this time of year. It is still green. Some of the shrubs have started turning brown, but the trees are still very green.
Reeces likes to stop and play at the sno-parks every time we go across the mountain. Our first stop is Andes Sno-park. She, Nana and Auntie got out to explorer. We four girls stayed in the car at this stop. It looked awfully dusty and dirty here. And we're in a hurry to see our friends.
Her next stop was a Meadow Creek Sno-park. We got out here.
This is where we like to go in the winter to play in the snow.
Reeces only got two stops today. I guess Nana and Auntie are anxious to finish the trip too.
When we got here we went to the girls house and spent time visiting.
Krystal and Emma were tying to decide what would make good "Gothic Pirate" outfits.
For dinner we had a birthday party for Aunt Mary's brother, Mike. The cake was red velvet cupcakes. They were wonderful. This party was a surprise to us and Mike. This is going to be a great trip.
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