Well, Matey, it's finally here Talk Like a Pirate Day and the party. It's supposed to be an all-day, wander in and out party.
The wenches have their decorating finished. A bit too tame for a pirate party. Sarafina and Ashley put out plates of food.
Sarafina made oatmeal gumdrop cookies and ginger snaps. And true to her great nature as a cook, they're both big enough to be called cookies.
Ashley made no-bake chocolate cookies with sprinkles on top. They're so tiny and dainty they are almost invisible. And she made some "Pirate Blood Cakes."
Her plan is to cut them daintly too. Logan and I plan to get our slices first. No, maybe we'll just invade the kitchen and take one to our hideout. That's a good pirate plan.
When the wenches left the party area to go change into their costumes it gave Logan and I the perfect chance to carry out our plans. We felt we needed to give them some help with their decorations.
We started in the park. Off with ye, little scarecrows and pumpkin. Then, we moved to the party area.
We hadn't counted on Krystal making a last minute check of all the decorations before she changed. I knew we were in trouble when I heard Krystal yell from the park, "You be scum, Kyle, scum".
We had to grab our the cake from the table and run. We could here Sarafina and Ashley running toward the party area to see what I had done. They hadn't even taken time to finish dressing. They were still barefoor and without hats. And luckily without swords.
Krystal was fuming. How dare those scurvy rats mess with our decorations. Ashley started to cry. All that work and they destroyed it. Sarafina started to laugh. Well, we didn't ask for their input and it is their party too. It makes a bonny tale to share with the others. Soon she had the other two wenches laughing too.
Sarafina came to the hide out and took their plate and knife back, but she let us keep the cake. She said there were plenty more of them in the kitchen.
Cousins and friends came by, some in costume and some not. It was a good party. They shared their tale with all the other wenches who came by and we ate everything the girls had fixed for food.
Krystal did say to me, "Ye best be lookin' behind ye for a long time, for when ye drop ye guard, I'll be gettin me revenge." And then she laughed an evil pirate laugh.
Way to go Kyle maybe next time the girls will let you help decorate for the party.